Well, there is another “disease” in this world that is much more destructive than cancer: SIN. All the evil that is in this world is a direct result of sin. Not just the individual sins we commit, but also the sin nature that is in every unbeliever. Just like cancer, there is no natural “cure” for sin. But, the Good News is, there is a supernatural cure, and His name is JESUS! The cure for a sin nature is that Jesus died on the cross and became sin for us, so that when we receive His sacrifice, we can become the righteousness of God in Him. In other words, Jesus took the punishment of death for us, so that we can exchange the old sin nature we were born with, for a new nature: the nature of Christ. The cure for the pull of sin after we have our new nature is understanding that even though our flesh is still drawn to sin, because we have the nature of Christ, and the Holy Spirit in us, we are no longer in bondage to sin. Romans 6:14 [KJV] says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” What this scripture is telling us is that, as Christians, we are no longer under the control of sin. We have dominion or authority over sin. We don’t have to go through life day to day being let by our emotions or fleshly desires, and then constantly feeling in bondage wondering if we have done something to anger God. Instead, we can now be led, not by the law, but by the Holy Spirit that lives in us. When we allow the Holy Spirit to direct our thoughts, and our decisions, we empower ourselves to overcome the flesh that is drawn to sin. We have The Cure!
But, now that we have The Cure, what should we do? Do we just keep the cure to ourselves, or do we share The Cure with everyone we can? As believers, it’s time for us to stop looking at all the evil in this world and talking about how bad things have gotten. We have the answers that the world is looking for. However, many of us have just sat on our hands and allowed fear and selfishness to keep us from spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
But I believe, God is raising up a people who are not ashamed of the Gospel, because we understand it is the power of God unto salvation – it is The Cure!
Are you ready to join in and save as many lives as we can? Together, we can cover the whole earth with the glory of God and see the miraculous take place all over this world!